Be a Voice!

I want to join others who have a love and passion not only for the tiny babies that are not given a chance at life and do not have a voice of their own, but also for the women who are alone, scared, confused, hurt and find no help, support or love from doctors, abortionists and Planned Parenthood where they pressure them to abort without talking about risks and life-long consequences.

A Response from the "Prime Minister"

I have written probably over 100 emails and letters to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, every time something happens in the news concerning abortion (which is sadly daily) I write an email to Stephen Harper to let him know that I (and other Canadians) are not okay with the lack of laws in Canada concerning abortion. I often receive the same email in response saying ,"thank you for your letter, we value your opinions..." but once in a blue moon I receive a personalized email from Ron Nicholson speaking on Stephen Harper's behalf. Here is the latest in response to an email I wrote concerning the extra jail time given to a pro-life, passive activist Mary Wagner where the judge went on a rant that "those pro-lifers are dangerous and destructive" AND that God's laws are "wrong":

Dear Jennie:

Thank you for your further correspondence concerning abortion.  I regret the delay in responding. 

While I appreciate being made aware of your further comments on this matter, I can only reiterate what I stated in my reply of March 15, 2012, that is, the Government of Canada has no plans to reopen the debate on abortion.

In your correspondence, you express your concerns with respect to the case of Ms. Mary Wagner.  Our justice system is based on the important constitutional principle that judges must render their decisions independently, free from improper influence or interference.  This enables judges to act impartially in hearing the cases that come before them.  For this reason, as Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, I cannot comment on specific cases.

It may be helpful for you to know that the task of investigating complaints of misconduct by provincially appointed judges in Ontario belongs to the Ontario Judicial Council.  Therefore, if you wish, you may file a complaint in that regard to the Ontario Judicial Council, which can be reached at the following address: P.O Box 914, Adelaide Street Postal Station, 31 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario  M5C 2K3.  For further information on the Council and its complaint process, you may also wish to visit the Ontario Courts Web site at

Thank you again for writing.

Yours truly,

The Honourable Rob Nicholson

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