Be a Voice!

I want to join others who have a love and passion not only for the tiny babies that are not given a chance at life and do not have a voice of their own, but also for the women who are alone, scared, confused, hurt and find no help, support or love from doctors, abortionists and Planned Parenthood where they pressure them to abort without talking about risks and life-long consequences.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Reaching out to Stephen Harper

In the last few months I have written MANY emails to Stephen Harper and (apparently) Rob Nicholson, who is the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and one of the emails that I had sent, I was politely told that these emails should be directed to HIM since he handles this topic. That being said, I now direct my emails to BOTH Stephen and Rob :)

Every time a significant event happens in the world that shows how deceiving, horrible, life-changing and destructive abortion is for women, babies that are dying and all who are involved (which is everyone!)... I write a letter to Stephen Harper. Needless to say, as sad as it is to say...this is almost daily that these horrific stories are available to anyone that will listen. These have included:
        Pepsi company uses aborted fetus cells in their products, priests being arrested for politely protesting abortion, Mary Wagner being arrested and given additional jail time after a judge says that her God is wrong!, a baby dies in a bucket in China after a mother is forced to abort because of the one-child policy, a "mother" shoots herself in the stomach to try to kill the baby and only causes minimal physical damage so she is not charged, another young woman gives birth to a baby after telling no one she is pregnant - strangles it and throws the body over the fence - she is given time in a mental institute and NOT as a murderer because she WANTED to abort.... it goes on and on.

Recently I wrote this letter:

This is MY letter to Stephen Harper:
 Dear Stephen Harper,
   Although I am writing to you because of the latest news in China concerning the one-child policy epidemic and the forced abortions that are occurring there, I am writing because this type of "leadership" could happen in North America if we don`t start updating our barbaric laws concerning life and abortion.
   As a Christian Conservative leader we had high hopes that you would see that the laws (or "lack of laws") concerning Abortion is one of the worst in Canada, and this is not right! Not only are babies being murdered on a regular basis (if you don`t want to consider first or even second trimester babies in the womb "humans", science and technology all recognize that at the very least THIRD trimester babies ARE babies), but the women that are going for these abortions are suffering afterwards, these are your Canadians.
   These women have higher suicide rates, much higher abuse of alcohol and drugs afterwards, very high depression rates, they become high-risk in general as they begin to lose hope and care for life, and these women did NOT receive the proper warnings, risks and consequences of what this abortion will do to them when they went to a doctor, abortionist or Planned Parenthood.
   To say "I will just NOT re-open this debate" is silly to be honest, it is irresponsible as a leader to shut the book on a debate that has not been changed or UPDATED for many years, every other human rights law HAS changed or at least been re-opened to discuss and let the public be heard, and this one needs to be as well.
   The horrible one-child policy that is occurring in China right now should open OUR eyes that without laws PROTECTING our children AND women that we fall apart as a country and a society. PLEASE re-consider.
Thank you,

 Please know that your e-mail message has been received in the Prime Minister's Office and that your comments have been noted.  Our office always welcomes hearing from correspondents and being made aware of their views.

Thank you for writing.

 I guess I should be thankful I received any response since I don't always, but I can see how this is the "general email" sent out to the massive amount of emails I am sure they get. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop and you should join me!! I figured if Prime Minister Stephen Harper gets ENOUGH emails and hand-written letters and even printed out letters that you sign...he is going to have to listen at some point! He is going to have to see that a change is desperately needed and we WANT this change.

If you're interested in either writing or emailing your own letter, OR printing or copying a form of a letter and signing it, please visit here:

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