1. What laws exist in Canada concerning Abortion? Since (1989 - when the Mulroney government introduced a bill in 1989 to restrict abortions to those required for health reasons with maximum jail sentences of two years for doctors who violated the law. The bill passed in the House of Commons but died on a tie vote in the Senate), abortion has been unrestricted in Canada, legal through all nine months of pregnancy up until the point of birth. Most abortions are funded by taxpayers through the publicly funded health system. There are now over 105,000 abortions a year in Canada. We are one of the few countries in the Western world that does not have any legal restrictions on abortion.
Section 223 of the Criminal Code. (1) A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not (a) it has breathed; (b) it has an independent circulation; or (c) the navel string is severed.
(2) A person commits homicide when he causes injury to a child before or during its birth as a result of which the child dies after becoming a human being.
2. Do Abortion Clinics or Hospitals that administer Abortions Give Out Information?
Obviously every clinic, hospital and doctor can vary, and this can also vary province to province and country to country, but according to women's testimonies over the last 20 years, articles, and websites the information that abortion clinics DO give women are in order to glorify abortion and make it as simple as "taking out your tonsils". Here are some examples of what a Canadian abortion clinic advertises:
"Every woman deserves the chance to make an informed decision about
her pregnancy. And that means getting the facts.
- Abortion causes breast cancer FALSE
- First and second trimester fetuses can feel pain FALSE
- The fetus becomes conscious at 8 weeks. FALSE
- Abortion makes ectopic (tubal) pregnancies more likely FALSE
- Abortion is safer than having your tonsils out. TRUE
- Abortion is 10 times safer than giving birth (by 18th week) TRUE
- There is a medical condition called Post Abortion Stress Syndrome FALSE
- 90% of abortions are performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy TRUE"
Although I could argue EACH of these lies and misleading "facts", here is just one:
- "Fetuses can NOT feel pain" = Try sticking an infant with a pin and you know what happens. She opens her mouth to cry and also pulls away.
Try sticking an 8 week old human fetus in the palm of his hand. He opens his mouth and pulls his hand away.
A more technical description would add that changes in heart rate and fetal movement also suggest that intrauterine manipulations are painful to the fetus. Volman & Pearson, "What the Fetus Feels," British Med. Journal, Jan. 26, 1980, pp. 233-234.
I find it very sad that they are quick to make abortion seem easy, painless and an unimportant event in your life...yet if you search for women's testimonies after they've had an abortion at ANY stage of their pregnancy you find depression, guilt, shame, loneliness, anger, suicidal thoughts, alcohol and drug abuse, and the list goes on.
**Just a note, when I finally found a page on an abortion website that listed the "choices" they give...it was "MEDICAL OR SURGICAL ABORTION" - notice they don't have adoption, support in raising their child, counseling, therapy, etc. **
3. Why Do Women Have Abortions?
This is a common question because when you begin to discuss the abortion topic the most common "argument" the pro-choice/pro-abortion advocates will give you is the "rape, incest, life-threatening to the mother" argument and here are the facts:
1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).
4. Abortion is as Safe as Having Your Tonsils Removed! - this is a statement made my almost every abortion clinic I researched - here is the evidence that this is a lie!
The abortion clinics also offered reasons as to why a women MAY seem depressed or sad after an abortion and these reasons included: hormones are all over the place, they were not supported by family, social stigmas, no support from a partner,"you are just healing", you need relaxation techniques, "these are completely normal feelings and will go away."
In reality the physical, emotional, spiritual, mental risks and consequences after an abortion is an overwhelmingly long list that you can search and find in many places, however here is a few:
- Researchers concluded that “exposure to abortion is a traumatic life event which increases longer-term susceptibility to common mental disorders.”
- In a 2003 study sponsored by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons it was found that women who had an induced abortion had a five times higher rate of admission to hospital for psychiatric reasons in the following three months than women who had not undergone induced abortion.
- In a National Longitudinal Study of Youth conducted in the US it was found that “women who reported induced abortion were 65% more likely to score in the high-risk range for clinical depression than women whose pregnancies resulted in birth.
1 Fergusson DM, Horwood LJ, Ridder EM. “Abortion in young women and subsequent mental health.” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2006; 47(1): 21.
- National statistics on abortion show that 10% of women undergoing induced abortion suffer from immediate complications, of which one-fifth (2%) were considered major.
- Over one hundred potential complications have been associated with induced abortion. “Minor” complications include: minor infections, bleeding, fevers, chronic abdominal pain, gastro-intestinal disturbances, vomiting, and Rh sensitization. The nine most common “major” complications which are infection, excessive bleeding, embolism, ripping or perforation of the uterus, anesthesia complications, convulsions, hemorrhage, cervical injury, and endotoxic shock.
- According to one hospital study, 12.5% of first trimester abortions required stitching for cervical lacerations. Such attention to detail is not normally provided at an outpatient abortion clinics. Another study found that lacerations occurred in 22 percent of aborted women.1 Women under 17 have been found to face twice the normal risk of suffering cervical damage due to the fact that their cervix's are still “green” and developing.
- Researchers have reported that 3 to 5 percent of aborted women are left inadvertently sterile as a result of the operation’s latent morbidity. In addition to the risk of sterility, women who acquire post-abortal infections are five to eight times more likely to experience ectopic pregnancies.
5. When is the "fetus" a baby?
Of course if you look at the Bible you know that God formed us each BEFORE conception, He knows every hair on our body in the womb and therefore, at conception, this is a life.
My argument is always "this fetus or mass of cells will never come out of the birth canal a turtle or a mass of cells! It's a baby, it will ALWAYS form into a baby, the womb was ONLY created for babies"
But the argument lies with science and when SCIENCE considers this fetus a worthy life:
Everything that determines the individuality and originality of a person is established at conception. The first single cell contains the entire genetic blueprint in all its complexity.
* | The heart starts beating between 18 and 25 days. |
* | Electrical brainwaves have been recorded at 43 days on an EEG. If the absence of a brainwave indicates death, why will pro-abortionists not accept that the presence of a brainwave is a confirmation of life? |
* | The brain and all body systems are present by 8 weeks and functioning a month later. |
* | At 8 weeks, the baby will wake and sleep, make a fist, suck his thumb, and get hiccups. |
* | At the end of 9 weeks, the baby has his own unique finger prints. |
* | At 11-12 weeks, the baby is sensative to heat, touch, light and noise. All body systems are working. He weighs about 28g and is 6-7.5 cm long. |
- Dr. Alfred M. Bongioanni, professor of pediatrics and obstetrics at the University of Pennsylvania
- This view states that a genetically unique person begins at conception - a fertilized egg now hosts a complete genome, making it distinct from the sex cells that came before it. This definition has the advantage of saying that a new individual has been created that can be distinct from its parents, but is still limited by the fact that this embryo is still in an early stage of development and far from viable as an individual.
I understand that there are arguments for BOTH sides of this debate (obviously, look at our history!) however, I feel like we are still stuck in the past where we created a barbaric law stating that a baby in the womb is NOT a worthy human being, and until they are completely out of the womb, they have no rights to life. Scientists, technology, ultrasounds, Doppler, doctors, etc. would ALL argue that this is not the case anymore, we have the evidence to back up the obvious, that this is a BABY - FOR SURE in the third trimester - who argues that? So why are the laws not being changed?? Why are women still being lied to, making them believe this is not a life and they will experience nothing bad a "sad" feeling afterwards? BECAUSE IT'S MONEY.
We need to urge our Prime Minister and President to look at the FACTS and stop this nightmare.
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