Although there has been controversy surrounding whether infant and child sacrifice took place in Ancient Times, an Oxford study now confirms that it did indeed happen and the main reason it was argued was because "modernist scholars did not want to believe it". In the 19th century Lords Acton proved that humans were in fact sacrificed by burial, children and infants were sacrificed with animals and with rituals in special cemeteries to give thanks or for favors from the gods. This is barbaric, it's what nightmares of made of, the thought of mothers and fathers willingly giving up their babies in order to have them tortured and killed in order to please their idols.
You would think (and hope) that these barbaric rituals have ended as human beings have grown to love everyone equally, as we have grown to give up these "idols" and fake "gods", as we have become more protective and compassionate towards those who cannot defend themselves... Sadly, we live in a modern world where child sacrifice is happening every day and even more upsetting is that it is mothers and fathers giving up their children willingly to new gods and idols.
Abortion is child sacrifice, it may be a harsh term to some and I do not say it in order to shame post-abortive women, I call it this because it is exactly what it is. Women walking into a clinic and requesting for a "doctor" to remove their child from the safest place in the world (the womb), to do so by torturing and killing their baby. And to make it even worse, the medical industry in the USA “harvests” organs and body parts regularly from aborted fetuses making abortion extremely profitable.Women are choosing to sacrifice their children for a number of reasons but all are because they feel they have the right to determine if this is a viable life or not. What next? Should mothers of newborns have the right to choose to end their lives? How about a mother of a paraplegic? How about a mother of a teen in a coma? Where does this entitlement end?
There is a new generation of women out there today, they may call themselves feminists but they are abusing that term since I believe being a feminist has NOTHING to do with advocating for the death of baby girls (and boys) in the womb, but that is another topic. This generation of women (and men) believe that these fetuses are living human beings, that they are alive with their own DNA, that they are carrying THEIR child that if given the chance would grow up from baby to toddler, to child to teen and so forth...and then they announce that this child's life is not as important as their own. You will hear excuses such as, financially not stable, not ready for a baby, unplanned pregnancies, in a bad relationship, has too many children, they do not want another boy/girl, there is a small possibility of a disability, or simply, they have the right to an abortion.
A "pro-choice" woman writer wrote,
"I know that throughout my own pregnancies, I never wavered for a moment in the belief that I was carrying a human life inside of me. I believe that's what a fetus is: a human life. And that doesn't me one iota less solidly pro-choice."
She finishes her selfish rant by saying,
"If by some random fluke I learned today I was pregnant, you bet your a** I'd have an abortion. I'd have the World's Greatest Abortion!"
I am not saying that every woman that walks in to an abortion clinic is a selfish, narcissistic, blog-writing feminist... I believe many women are lied to, scared, coerced or bullied, they feel like they have no other choice and they feel they are not worthy to be a mother (even though, sadly, they do not realize they already are mothers), however, women and girls are being lied to consistently and with the intentions of making abortion look like no big deal, like it's a necessity and like it needs to be ready and available for women in order to BE a woman. These lies are everywhere, media, Hollywood, celebrities, sex education, Planned Parenthood, even Girl Scouts! We need to plant NEW seeds.