Whether you ARE pro-choice, or pro-life with "exceptions" or pro-life and wanting to learn more about the cause this article is for you:
Why are we so afraid to talk about abortion?? Because it's personal, painful, emotional and involves a loss, and even when a woman is not ashamed of this abortion because she feels she made the right decision, she most likely will not talk about it, haven't told family members and it's a secret that she will hold for most of her life.
The good news... the pro-choice arguments are collapsing under the weight of science, that's right... not because of religion or politics or even what we as humans consider "humane" ... but because of SCIENCE. Science is now telling and showing us that when a sperm meets an egg, it becomes a zygote and this is indeed LIFE. This happens 24 hours after conception. It has his or her unique set of DNA that no other human being will ever have, even unique from his or her mothers (so a separate BODY - hence the flawed argument of "MY BODY!" from the women's rights), and just 22 days after conception the heart is beating. Women do NOT know they are pregnant until at least 28 days after conception... it is life and they cannot argue anything different anymore.
The bad news... Canadian Parliament is ignoring science. Many are stepping forward with Motions or wanting laws banning abortion in some form if not completely, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper AND many Member of Parliaments have voted NO to motions such as: "Banning Sex-Selective Abortions" and "Life Beginning at Conception" (which would NOT make abortion illegal, it would change the view of what is a human being!)
Canada is the last of THREE countries (including China and North Korea) that have ZERO laws concerning abortion. That means that according to the Court abortion is permitted for ANY reason a woman chooses until the child becomes viable; after viability, an abortion may STILL be permitted if an abortion doctor deems the abortion necessary to protect a woman's "Health". Please note that "health" according to our Court means "all factors - physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age". In other words... she can abort at 9 months if heartburn is too severe...seriously.
When you start a conversation with someone is pro-choice, or perhaps you don't know where they stand, OR a pro-lifer that has "exceptions" please take a look at these arguments:
Every form of lawless behavior could be rationalized with this same argument (rape, robbery, running red lights, etc.)
The reality is that every compassionate person does not want a woman to suffer through the personal tragedy and trauma of abortion - legal OR illegal, even the Feminists for Life says, "women deserve better than abortion!" Establishing legal limits to the current "absolute right to abortion" laws will mean fewer abortions, and we all agree that is good! Good for the women, children, families, societies, communities and countries! But Canada is refusing to set legal limits...why is that? Money - abortion is a money-making business! (For example, Planned Parenthood reported "$87.4 million in excess revenue and more than $1.2 billion in net assets." This is NOT just a non-profit business helping women... in 2011 abortions made up 92% of Planned Parenthood's pregnancy services. Remember that next time you argue that Planned Parenthood does so much with cancer prevention, adoption referrals, prenatal care or sex education.
Abortion will be dangerous whether it's legal or illegal, and it has been proven in countries that set limitations that by making abortion illegal it does NOT cause a rise in maternal deaths, in fact in Ireland where they have the strictest laws...maternal deaths have gone DOWN.
Almost EVERY conversation that I have with people, no matter WHERE they stand will bring up the cliche argument of "what about the 13 year old girl that is carrying her father's child?! You can't force her to have a baby!"
First of all what you need to know when talking about this is that LESS than 1% of the millions of abortions that have occurred and WILL occur are the result of a rape or incest. It is an extremely rare and an extreme case and the only reason it is brought up is because they cannot win the debate on the merits. What they are really saying is that they believe a mother should have the right to kill their unborn children no matter what the circumstances. They may then say, "no! Just in that circumstance!" But it comes back to HUMANITY. Science has proven this is a life, in the womb and out, so you are saying that mother (no matter HOW she became pregnant or what her age) should legally be allowed to choose to murder her baby. It's hard to argue that you are FOR that.
Is it legitimate to kill a person conceived in rape AFTER they are born?
The reality is that pro-choicers are not arguing for adoption or raising a baby We all want that!! So they are really fighting for the right to abort. That IS black and white, no grey area. You are saying that abortion is a "necessary evil".
We must give up a measure of personal freedom to live in a community! Personal choices that infringe on the life or livelihood of another human being must be legislated against. In other words, just because someone WANTS the freedom to choose something they want for their own reasons... doesn't make it safe, harmless, morally right or best for society.
As a woman that has been pregnant four times with three babies... pregnancy is hard! It takes a toll on your body and makes you rethink a lot of choices during those 9 months on behalf of your baby... BUT.. as demanding as pregnancy is on your body, it is temporary. It is on behalf of a helpless child and pregnancy is completely natural. This is not a parasite, this is not just a mass of cells (we are ALL a mass of cells!), it is a baby from day one and choosing abortion is permanent and deadly to the child.
Abortion is an issue that involves competing rights - not an issue of who is more important but rather who has more on the line.
Why should the mere change of location from inside the womb to outside the womb change the essential nature of the unborn?
The next time you here the topic of abortion being discussed and hear any of these common arguments, you can now step in and lovingly but sternly explain why these are flawed arguments. In the end, people are either okay with murdering a child for whatever reason they are facing, or it is not okay. We do this lovingly because as I said before, if the statistics are 1 in 4 women... chances are you will be talking to a woman that has had an abortion at some time, and we still want to love them, show compassion and pray they find healing.
We need to be stern and start speaking out more because abortion is NOT a grey area, it is black and white, it is wrong. We can begin by planting seeds in those minds that are talking about abortion and start making a positive change for our women, our children, our communities and Canada.